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Deepening Teachers' Mathematics and Science Content Knowledge: Lessons from NSF Math and Science Partnerships


"Designers of professional development for mathematics and science teachers are faced with many decisions related to the content they choose to address, the selection of strategies to reach professional development goals, and how they facilitate transfer of teachers' new knowledge to their classroom practice. Many of the Math Science Partnership (MSP) projects funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) include professional development activities to deepen mathematics/science teacher knowledge. The MSP Knowledge Management and Dissemination project, in collaboration with staff from nine MSP projects, created this volume of "stories" of professional development, along with an introduction describing different facets of teacher knowledge, to illustrate some of the choices MSP projects have made and how their decisions played out over time. It is our hope that designers of future professional development endeavors will find these stories, and the authors' lessons learned, useful when considering their design options."
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